FEMS Microbe Art Competition Comes Back!
The Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS) brings back their much loved Microbe Art Competition to help support IMD2021!
Painting by Erin McIntosh (Website: https://www.erinmcintosh.com/, Instagram: erinlmcintosh)
Before we go into the details of this year’s competition, lets revisit some of our favourite entries from the last 2 years that this contest has been running!
We hope that by now we gave you loads of inspiration to start creating your own Microbe Art! The possibilities are countless, so don’t be afraid to do add your own presonal touch!
categories in the Microbe Art Contest
Best Agar Art
Best Cartoon
Best Illustration or Painting
Best Photography
Best Physical Piece
Best Writing
Grand Prize: Best Art Overall
to enter
Simply, post your creation on social media (Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram) along with
The hashtags #MicrobeArt2021 AND #InternationalMicroorganismDay
The FEMS social media account handle @FEMSmicro
Deadline to enter is 10 September 2021.
Choosing the winners
Winners will be chosen by the FEMS and IMD team and will be anounced on our International Microorganism Day live stream, happening on the 16 and 17 September 2021.