Get Involved in IMD2021
Get Involved in IMD2021
We are calling participants to help us run International Microorganism Day 2021 (IMD2021), with formal celebrations scheduled for the 17th September 2021. Don’t worry if you are not sure if you will make the day! There are many ways in which you may get involved from now until the day so make sure you keep reading to learn a bit more!
What is International Microorganism Day?
International Microorganism Day aims to teach and provide a platform, both online and offline, for microbe lovers around the world to share their passion and knowledge of the microbes in our daily lives. For the last 4 years, on the 17th of September, we have been organizing a whole day of celebrations and outreach activities… for both young and old! The end goal was to have fun, learn about all the different microbes around us and appreciate how important microbes are in our lives.
Learn more about IMD in this video.
If you want to know more about how it all started visit this page.
So what does IMD2021 look like?
As the pandemic is still ongoing we decided again this year to stick to an online setting. We are therefore planning a 24-hour live stream with even more fun sessions from last year, including art demonstrations, museum visits, and of course many sessions on the microbes found all around and inside us! We are also hoping to expand our reach to even more countries than last year, and make content more accessible to the young people among us.
Our IMD team is constantly expanding but here are some of us.
How can YOU get involved with IMD2021?
We are looking for a diverse range of individuals, from speakers to hosts to volunteers! Would you like to present your research to a wider audience? Do you have good presenter skills and you would be interested to act as one of our hosts for the day? Do you want to volunteer writing blogs for us, creating fun content among others?
You can also get involved with IMD by submitting your art at the #MicrobeArt2021 Contest organised by FEMS!