IMD in Japan

On the 17th of September the IMD Japan premiered a special film dedicated to microbiology in Japanese cuisine. From making saké to Koji this film was one of its kind and watched over 150 times on the day!

Film speakers:

  • Moderator: Prof. Ken-ichi Yoshida, Kobe University

  • Guest speaker: Prof. Takuji Yamada, Tokyo Institute of Technology

  • Guest speaker: Mr Kazunori Sawada, Gurunavi

  • Guest students: Ms Shiho Bitani, Ms Huka Tsuji, and Ms Sarah Dupont, Kobe University

This film is in collaboration with the Society for Genome Microbiology in Japan. It presents a beautiful and inspiring vision of the ways microbes help to create some of the best foods in the world-renowned Japanese cuisine!

FEMS Microbiology