IMD in Turkiye

In 2023, we celebrated IMD with two events in Turkiye. We want to express our gratitude to our local organizing teams for making their events such a success!

IMD 2023 EVENT AT SİFİGU Science Cafe Marmaris

On 18 September 2023, we gathered at the SİFİGU Science Cafe Marmaris, Muğla. We organized several activities for the children visiting including a microbial game, looking through a microscope, using yeast to make bread, science talks, and a petri dish exhibition.

Participants expressed excitement and interest in engaging in activities on this special day for microorganisms, despite many being previously unaware of its existence. The activities provideD children the opportunity to develop their scientific curiosity and understanding by providing concrete experiences about the diversity and importance of microorganisms. 

IMD 2023 Event at Istanbul Atlas University

On 19 and 20 September 2023, our university campus opened its doors to the public to celebrate International Microorganism Day.

We hosted microbiology lectures and posters, while a hologram showed our attendees the different sizes that microbes exist. We also held an agar art contest which was well-loved.

Our attendees were mainly high school and university students.

We care about the microscopes that is why we organized such an event in a lab, but indeed next year we need to think of a bigger venue as so many people showed up!

FEMS Microbiology