IMD in Cape Verde

A few IMD events are being hosted in Cape Verde this year! See details below for more information.

Microbiology Activity in Fonton - Beach City: Discovering the World of Microorganisms

When: 8 September 2024

Where: Fonton, Cidade da Praia, Cabo Verde

In the Fonton neighbourhood of Praia, an educational activity on microbiology will be organised for local children, with the aim of introducing them to the fascinating world of microorganisms, highlighting their importance and the effects they can have on human beings. The event will be held outdoors, taking advantage of the community space, and will see the enthusiastic participation of several children. 

To make the experience more accessible and sustainable, microscopes made from reused materials will be used. The organisers will explain to the children how these materials, which are usually discarded, can be transformed into educational tools. 

The children will be divided into small groups and each group will receive a recycled microscope. Firstly, the educators will show enlarged images of common microorganisms found in everyday environments, such as bacteria, fungi and protozoa. Then, with the help of the monitors, the children will collect samples from different surfaces, such as soil, water and food, to look at under the microscope. 

Through the lenses, the children will be able to see the microorganisms up close, gaining a practical and visual understanding of the invisible presence of these tiny life forms. The reactions of surprise and curiosity will be immediate, generating a genuine interest in the subject. 

Educators will take advantage of this curiosity to discuss the importance of microorganisms. They will explain how some microorganisms are beneficial to human health, such as those that help with digestion and the production of fermented foods, while others can cause diseases and infections. There will be interactive activities to illustrate how microorganisms can be used in biotechnology, in the production of medicines and in the decomposition of waste. 

At the end of the activity, the children will receive small scientific kits containing magnifying glasses and educational leaflets with information about different types of microorganisms and their functions. The experience will not only awaken children's scientific interest, but will also broaden their knowledge of the diversity and crucial role of microorganisms in nature and human health. 

This activity will show that, with creativity and simple resources, it is possible to educate and inspire, promoting scientific curiosity and an understanding of the importance of microorganisms in everyday life. 

(Luso)Microbial Connections - Conexões (Luso)Microbianas

When: 17 September 2024

Where: Online, from the University of Coimbra, Portugal

O evento do IMD "Conexões (luso) Microbianas" tem por objetivo promover a literacia em microbiologia e partilhar a investigação científica com o público em geral, promovendo o conhecimento e a curiosidade científica sobre os microrganismos.

O Dia Internacional do Microrganismo (17 de setembro) será comemorado em formato online (livestream) emitido no canal YouTube da Sociedade Portuguesa de Microbiologia.

O evento "Conexões (luso) Microbianas" é organizado pela Universidade de Coimbra em colaboração com o Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical da Universidade Nova de Lisboa e a Rede Lusófona de Microbiologia constituída pelas: Universidade de Ciências de Macau

 e Tecnologia [Macau], Universidade de Cabo Verde [Cabo Verde], Universidade Eduardo Mondlane [Moçambique], Universidade do Rovuma [Moçambique], Universidade Politécnica [Moçambique], Universidade Agostinho Neto [Angola], Universidade de São Paulo [Brasil], Santa Catarina
 Universidade Estadual [Brasil], Embrapa Agrobiologia – Centro Nacional de Pesquisas Agrobiológicas [Brasil] e Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro [Brasil]).

A transmissão ao vivo vai ser constituída por pequenas apresentações de 5 minutos (Os 5 minutos de fama!) de investigadores da Rede Lusófona de Microbiologia e das instituições organizadoras apresentando um artigo, um projecto ou resultados relevantes. 

Este evento é parte do evento nacional promovido pela Sociedade Portuguesa de Microbiologia (SPM Portugal).

About the event in English:

This event aims to promote literacy on microbiology and share scientific research with the general public to promote public knowledge and scientific curiosity on microorganisms.

We will organize during the International Microorganism Day (17th September) in online format (livestream).

The event will be organized by University of Coimbra in collaboration with Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine at Universidade Nova de Lisboa and the Lusophone Microbiology Network (this network includes the following members: Macau University of Science and Technology [Macao], University of Cape Verde [Cape Verde], Eduardo Mondlane University [Mozambique], Rovuma University [Mozambique], Polytechnic University [Mozambique], Agostinho Neto University [Angola], University of São Paulo [Brazil], Santa Catarina State University [Brazil], Embrapa Agrobiologia – National Center for Agrobiology Research [Brazil] and Federal University of Rio de Janeiro [Brazil]).

The livestream will be composed of series of short presentations (The 5 minutes of fame!) of researchers from the Lusophone Microbiology Network. This event will be part of the national event promoted by the Portuguese Society of Microbiology (SPM Portugal).

FEMS Microbiology