IMD in Estonia

Researchers’ Night Festival joined with International Microorganism Day at Tartu, Estonia

When: 27 September 2024, 14:00 pm - 18:00 pm

Where: Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB), Riia 23, Tartu, University of Tartu, Estonia   

Entertaining and educational events of Researchers' Night at Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (University of Tartu, Estonia) to celebrate the International Microorganism Day by interactive and exciting hands-on workshops on microbes, cells, DNA and fruit flies. We are opening the doors of the institute for family members and friends and also invite wider public who are interested in microscopic beauty in and around us. Join us at the house tour, indoor health course, labs and workshops. The participants can speak to researchers and ask them questions and enjoy the company of other research-minded people over the tasty ice cream. The activities are held in Estonian and are free of charge. Pre-registration to the workshops on the events homepage is mandatory. 

To disseminate the microbiology, genetics and cell biology literacy with interactive means and methods among friends and family members of employees of University of Tartu, students, teachers and wider public. To present the research subjects that are investigated at the IMCB.  

Program at glance: 

2 pm – opening words (the head of the IMCB Prof. Maia Kivisaar), snacks (atrium, Riia 23b/2) 

2:10-3 pm – house tour at IMCB 

3-3:45 pm and 4-4:45 pm – possible to take part of the workshops from the following list: 

  • Workshop “Your face sounds familiar”- Microbial version to detect and investigate microbes from our everyday settings (Riia 23-113). Sponsored by Estonian Society for Microbiology  

  • Workshop “Meeting your own microworld” to explore the microscopic beauty in and on us (Vanemuise 46-305)  

  • Workshop on studying DNA (Riia 23b/1-218). Organized by Travelling Bioclass 

  • Workshop “Fruitflies: small jewels for understanding humans” (Riia 23-230) 

5-6 pm – socializing and questions 

FEMS Microbiology